I am so excited that fall is finally here. We got past all the hot dry days of summer with Christian and now he gets to experience the inconsistent weather of Louisiana fall. Andrew and I have loved every minute that we have been blessed with raising Christian. We can't even put into words what a huge blessing he is to our family. He is definitely going to be a spoiled little boy, and I am totally fine with that. I will try and update you a little on what's been going on in the month of October. It's been a busy month and I haven't been the best at updating the blog. Several of my friends have gotten on to me about updating my pictures because they want to keep up with Christian. To them, I am sorry and I will try to do better.
Christian got a new bike trailer to ride in when we go bike riding. He is so cute in it. We took cousin Michelle and Christian to the neighborhood fall festival in the trailer and they had a lot of fun riding in it. Michelle was really cute because she held Christian's hand and would lean over and give him a kiss on the head. That little girl melts my heart! Christian also got to go to the pumpkin patch and see his first pumpkins. He blended right in because he is a "pumpkin" himself. Actually, he wasn't really interested in the pumpkins and was probably wondering why we were taking pictures of him with all the big round orange things. We got a couple of good pictures of him. It was hot when we went so we didn't get to stay long.
I have gotten a little crafty since I became a mom. My sister, Lynn, has helped me get more into sewing. We made Christian two outfits together and then I got brave and made one all by myself. They turned out super cute and he looks adorable in them. My sister is a good teacher and I can't wait to learn more from her. She is the crafty one in our family so I have to steal all my ideas from her. I will post some pictures of our work below.
Christian has enjoyed experiencing LSU football this fall as well. He has several LSU outfits that his daddy dresses him in each time he's in charge of getting him dressed. It never fails that Christian will come out in one of his LSU outfits when dad gets him dressed, even if the outfit is a little too small. Andrew and I got to go to the Florida/LSU game with my sisters and brother-in-laws. It was a lot of fun. Little Christian stayed here with the grandparents while we went for the day. He really likes to watch football too. He constantly stares at the TV when there is a game on. I think he must be a born Tiger fan.
Halloween is coming up. I am so excited about it this year. It's the first year in a long time that I am actually excited about Halloween. The past few years I've purposefully avoided Halloween and Andrew and I have gone camping instead. This year I plan on taking Christian trick-or-treating with cousin Michelle and just enjoying ourselves with what ever the night may bring. We have two costumes to choose from this year depending on what the weather is going to do. If it's cold he is going to be a little cow (a cute one) and if it's hot he will be a football (that I made out of a onsie; compliments of pinterest). Either way he is going to be so handsome.
Here are some updated pictures of Christian. Last week at the doctor he weighted 20 pounds. He is getting so big. I can't believe how fast my little baby is growing. It just seems like yesterday we were at the hospital meeting him for the first time. I must say, God is so good!
Pictures at the pumpkin patch. Christian looks excited! Lynn and I made the outfit C is wearing. |
one of the decent pictures of C but he wouldn't look at the camera |
What is this strange thing? |
I love my jumper that Aunt Lynn gave me! |
Loaded up in the bike trailer to go to the neighborhood fall festival. |
Breakfast time. I'm up to something! |
LSU outfit that I made Christian. It turned out really cute. |
Michelle and Christian getting ready for the game. |
Family picture at my sister's house before the game. |
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