Wow have we been extremely busy with our new sweet baby boy. He has truly been a huge blessing to Andrew and I and I can't even describe what a good baby he has been. There have been many things that have happened since the last time I posted an update on the blog. I will try my best not to ramble too much but no promises.
We had a follow up appointment back in early August with both the geneticist and the neurologist. We got good and bad news from them. The geneticist said that Christian appeared to be healthy and he didn't agree with what the eye doctor tried to diagnose Christian with (which was tuberous sclerosis or neurofibromotosis). The bad new was from the neurologist. He re-read the MRI of Christian's brain that was done in the NICU and said that there were some questionable things going on with it. I won't go into detail, but needless to say, we will probably have to repeat the MRI sometime soon to see if those questionable things still exists or if he has "outgrown" them. The neurologist kept saying the quaility of the MRI was poor so he wanted to get his own and read it then.
Andrew and I know that Christian is going to be just fine. We also had a physical therapy appointment in August and Chrisitan was meeting all his milestones at that time, which was great news. I have been working hard with him trying to keep him on target (I guess that's the OT in me). He is now 3 months old and has just really grown fast. Christian is now wearing 6-9 month old clothes. I can't believe how fast he is growing and how quickly he grows out of his clothes. It's hard to keep clothes that fit him because he's growing too fast. He's also is sleeping all the way through the night and hardly ever fusses except when he's hungry or needs attention. God truly gave us a sweet baby.
Christian also started day care. It was really hard on me the first few times that I took him, and it's still hard, but I know that it's good for him and he is going to learn a lot there. I really like where he is going and I think that all his "teachers" are very sweet and patient with all the babies. I also like the fact that I get off around 2:30 each day. I rush everyday to get Christian as soon as I get off work. I just can't wait to see my little angel at the end of the work day. He just smiles at me and coos and that is the best feeling in the whole world. When we get home we have play time and nap time before Andrew gets home. I love getting to play with Christian most of the afternoon and into the evenings. He's just a joy to be around and so loving.
All of you that live in the South know how hot it has been lately. We finally had a break in the weather about 2 weeks ago and we were able to take Christian out in the stroller each evening around the block. I think he really enjoyed it becasue each time he fell sound asleep. I know that he is going to like being outside just like his mom does.
Just this past weekend Christian was dedicated at our church. We had such a great time with all our family that came to see him. We took up the first 3 rows of the side of the church because there are so many of us. I just love how our family has really grown and Christian is so lucky to have such a close knit family who loves each other, but more importantly who will teach him life lessons and lead him down the right paths. I pray often that God will give me the knowlege to teach Christian about Him and raise him to the know the Lord.
I continue to thank each and every one of you who has prayed for Christian and sent sweet messages and encouragement to Andrew and I. It's so great to know that we have such an amazing support system. Please continue to pray for healing for Christian and that his MRI that has to be repeated is fine. As a mother it's hard to have to take your child to so many specialists and have test after test run. I know that he is in God's hands and God will take care of him, and from that I can draw strength and comfort. Thanks again!
I am attaching several pictures of Christian so you can see how fast he has grown. Enjoy!
A couple new born pictures by Nicole Spikes Photography |
7 weeks old |
9 weeks old |
Michelle with Christian both smiling! |
So precious! |
He loves his bath time. Splish Splash!!! |
3 months and getting great head control |
Little Tiger fan! Geaux Tigers!!! |
Just being a sweet boy
Christian's Dedication 9/11/11 |
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