First of all I would like to thank everyone who has purchased our Burpies for Babies. I have been amazed at how many we have made and sold. When my sister and I first decided to make these we had no idea that they would sell as they did. We literally had seven of them made when we posted our first post on facebook. I was so excited when many of you posted that you wanted to order some, it literally brought me to tears. I couldn't believe it. My sister and I had to make several trips to the store to get more supplies to start making more. We spent the entire day making burp cloths, ironing, pinning, sewing, cutting, etc. Although we are no experts in the sewing world, I think most of them turned out quite nice. I love my sister for giving up several of her afternoons and Saturdays to help me raise money for adoption.
We are continuing to take orders for the Burpies for Babies. I have someone that has offered to monogram them for free. Her name is Ali and her business name is "Sew Fly". She is such an awesome person for volunteering her time, materials, and talent to help Andrew and I out. We are truly grateful for her and her willingness to do this. I encourage everyone to use her in the future for all your monogramming needs. If you choose to have your burp cloths monogrammed her tag is attached to the burpies with her business name and phone number. If you would like her phone number you can email me at and I will give it to you.
Again, I thank each of you who have purchased our Burpies for Babies. Please help spread the word about them as well as I will continue to make them until my sewing machine starts smoking or I get worn down from it. As of now I am having a lot of fun putting my new sewing skills to the test. We will also ship them for only $5.00 extra, so keep that in mind. All you have to do to order is contact me at I will try my best to get them to you as soon as I can. Thanks everyone!!!!!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Easter Bunny
This weekend was a complete blast for me. Andrew and I got to spend the entire weekend with our little nieces and nephews at my dad's house. I think we ate more than we usually do in one week. My dad loves to spoil the family when we go visit him. He made some amazing steaks and for dessert we had several things to choose from including cheese cake, key lime pie, chocolate cake and of course all the Easter candy. My dad lives on the lake so it's very relaxing. The kids enjoyed playing on the old barge boat my dad still has from when my grandparents owned it. It no longer works but it's great to fish on or jump around in, which is what the kids did all weekend. We also spent some time at the "big lake" where the kids got to swim and go down the big slide at the playground. The adults didn't swim because the water was still a little too cold. It's funny how when you are little your interal thermometer doesn't register figid temperatures like they do when you're an adult.
To back track just a bit; before we got to my dad's he went looking for easter ducks to get the little ones. He looked all over and couldn't find them. He use to do that for us around Easter and we would just let them go, once they got old enough, in the lake. It was always fun to come back several months later to see them all grown up. Well, dad couldn't find any ducks so he got a puppy instead. Charley the rat terrior. She was the sweetest puppy. He got her for Laura's kids but she and Brad wouldn't let Charley come home with them. I think Charley was just a little too small for Noah and Ava to handle right now. Charley sure was fun to play with though. She will have a great home at the lake with my dad and his other dog, John McCaine.
Easter morning we all got up to see what the little ones got from the Easter Bunny. Lots of goodies in their baskets and more candy. The Easter Bunny also hid eggs outside and the great hunt was on. Who could collect the most eggs? Of course it was Noah. He's the oldest and fastest right now. Give it a few years and the others will give him a run for his Easter eggs. Everyone had a great Easter! I am really glad we got to participate in these activites with our nieces and nephews. It makes me happy that we are all so close. I can't wait to share this with our sweet angel.
To back track just a bit; before we got to my dad's he went looking for easter ducks to get the little ones. He looked all over and couldn't find them. He use to do that for us around Easter and we would just let them go, once they got old enough, in the lake. It was always fun to come back several months later to see them all grown up. Well, dad couldn't find any ducks so he got a puppy instead. Charley the rat terrior. She was the sweetest puppy. He got her for Laura's kids but she and Brad wouldn't let Charley come home with them. I think Charley was just a little too small for Noah and Ava to handle right now. Charley sure was fun to play with though. She will have a great home at the lake with my dad and his other dog, John McCaine.
Easter morning we all got up to see what the little ones got from the Easter Bunny. Lots of goodies in their baskets and more candy. The Easter Bunny also hid eggs outside and the great hunt was on. Who could collect the most eggs? Of course it was Noah. He's the oldest and fastest right now. Give it a few years and the others will give him a run for his Easter eggs. Everyone had a great Easter! I am really glad we got to participate in these activites with our nieces and nephews. It makes me happy that we are all so close. I can't wait to share this with our sweet angel.
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Noah and Ava with Charley |
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Bryce and Michelle eating cheeseballs for an afternoon snack. |
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Andrew and I enjoying the nice weather outside by the lake. |
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Lazy afternoon. Taking a nap with Charley. |
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Michelle during the Easter egg hunt. Charley wanted to see what all the fuss was about. |
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Easter bunny hats Dad got for all the kids. |
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Bryce was not having this picture thing. |
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Michelle amusing herself on the five hour car ride home. Gotta put those Easter stickers somewhere! |
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Louisiana Saturday Night
"Well, you get down the fiddle and you get down the bow, Kick off your shoes and you throw 'em on the floor. Dance in the kitchen 'til the morning light: Louisiana Saturday night!"
Andrew and I went to my sister's annual crawfish boil this weekend. I love me some crawfish and living in Louisiana there is plenty of it. We had such a great time eating, talking with friends, and playing with all the kids there. The biggest hit was the Mickey Mouse jumpy my friend Moss set up for all the kids. My favorite image was watching my niece, Michelle, holding a live crawfish. I'm not exactly sure she knew what she was holding, but she did a lot better than I would have if I were holding it. She even got upset when the poor little crawfish fell to the ground. Then there was my crazy nephew, Noah, who got confused as to how to put on gloves to peel the crawfish. He put them on his feet instead of his hands. He is so silly. What an awesome time we had and I can't wait until the next one!
Andrew and I went to my sister's annual crawfish boil this weekend. I love me some crawfish and living in Louisiana there is plenty of it. We had such a great time eating, talking with friends, and playing with all the kids there. The biggest hit was the Mickey Mouse jumpy my friend Moss set up for all the kids. My favorite image was watching my niece, Michelle, holding a live crawfish. I'm not exactly sure she knew what she was holding, but she did a lot better than I would have if I were holding it. She even got upset when the poor little crawfish fell to the ground. Then there was my crazy nephew, Noah, who got confused as to how to put on gloves to peel the crawfish. He put them on his feet instead of his hands. He is so silly. What an awesome time we had and I can't wait until the next one!
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Michelle in the Mickey Mouse jumpy |
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Andrew with his crawfish |
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Lynn, Amanda, and I enjoying everyones company! |
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Michelle looking at all the little crawfish |
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She was very brave to pick up a live one |
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Silly Noah with gloves on his feet. Had to capture this moment. |
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My older sister, Laura, with all her kiddos. |
God's Will
Today our preacher at church spoke about God's will. I'm not really sure how to write this post but I am going to write it as it applies to me. In the beginning of my fertility struggles I always wanted to know "why me." Why am I having to go through all of this? What have I done in my life that I deserve to go through this, or better yet, why is my husband having to go through this. Andrew is the most selfless person I know and a true follower of God. I have asked this question countless times to myself and to God (almost everyday). Well, today I will stop asking that question and accept that this is God's will for Andrew and I. We, at least right now, aren't suppose to have a baby. For what ever that reason may be that is God's will for us. I know that one day we will have our family, but now is not the time (maybe tomorrow, a month from now or even 10 years from now; only God knows).
I have a friend in my bible study that was talking about why we have to go through certain things in life and asking God why certain things happen. And her answer struck me like a large hammer right on top of my head. She said, "Because He's God, that's why!" Who am I to question why God (the creator of all things) makes us go through certain trials in life? Because He is God, that's why...period! So, back to what the preacher said today, God doesn't always promise that our road will be easy or smooth but He does promise that He will be there with us as we go through it. I rest my faith in that, solely. This is God's will for my life and I'm not going to question it any longer. He is with me 100% and for that I can give all the glory! I will never shut the door on Him because I need Him too much. He knows my heart, my thoughts and all of my moves even before I do. Wow, what an awesome thing; To God be the Glory!
I have a friend in my bible study that was talking about why we have to go through certain things in life and asking God why certain things happen. And her answer struck me like a large hammer right on top of my head. She said, "Because He's God, that's why!" Who am I to question why God (the creator of all things) makes us go through certain trials in life? Because He is God, that's why...period! So, back to what the preacher said today, God doesn't always promise that our road will be easy or smooth but He does promise that He will be there with us as we go through it. I rest my faith in that, solely. This is God's will for my life and I'm not going to question it any longer. He is with me 100% and for that I can give all the glory! I will never shut the door on Him because I need Him too much. He knows my heart, my thoughts and all of my moves even before I do. Wow, what an awesome thing; To God be the Glory!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Burpies for Babies
My sister and I have started making burp cloths to raise money for Andrew and my adoption. They are very cute and make great gifts for those having babies or already have them. We are making boy, girl and gender neutral ones. They are a lot of fun to make and it has definitely taken my mind off the whole waiting process. We have been super busy cutting fabric, ironing, pinning and sewing that I haven't really had time to think about anything else. I've even learned how to work the sewing machine, for the most part. I still have trouble putting more thread in, but I will continue to learn. I prayed that God would help take my mind off the waiting process and this is exactly what He has done. Again, another prayer answered.
Anyway, we are selling the burpies for babies for $10.00 each. If you would like them shipped we have to add another $5.00 for shipping, sorry, but it's worth it. Please email me if you would like to order some at or visit our face book page (just search for Help Andrew and Leslie Adopt and click the like button; you can also order through there). I have attached some pictures but those are just a few of the ones we have made. Hope you like them!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Just Wait
One of my friends recently posted our blog on her facebook page. Then one of her friends saw it and posted a link to another girls blog and I wanted to share to all those that are in my situation this poem. I think it's awesome and a true incite into why God makes us wait on certain things even after countless hours of being on your knees crying in prayer to Him. I have certainly been in that position many times, too many to count, trying every way to ask the Lord why can't I have a baby? I've knocked on His door over and over again and haven't gotten any answers or any clear signs as to why this is happening to me. I just know that I am walking by faith and trusting in Him that my time will come to be a mother. I won't give up and everyday I will continue to pray. I know He's listening and using this time to strengthen my faith and for that I have the greatest of hope that one day I will be filled with such joy that will erase all the pain and tears I have shed over waiting for an angel baby! So here it is:
Just Wait
Desperately, helplessly, longingly, I cried: quietly patiently, lovingly God replied. I pled and I wept for a clue to my fate, and the Master so gently said, "Child you must wait."
"Wait? you say 'wait', "my indignant reply, "Lord, I need answers. I need to know why! Is your hand shortened? Or have you not heard? By faith I have asked and am claiming your Word. My future and all to which I can relate hangs in the balance, and YOU tell me Wait?"
"I'm needing a 'yes,' a go-ahead sign, or even a 'no' to which I can resign. And, Lord, You promised that if we believe we need but to ask and we shall receive. And, Lord, I've been asking! I need a reply!"
Then quietly, softly, I learned of my fate. As my Master replied once again, "You must wait." So I slumped in my chair, defeated and taut. And grumbled to God, "So I'm waiting...for what?"
He seemed, then to kneel, and His eyes wept with mine, and He tenderly said, "I could give you a sign. I could shake the heavens and darken the sun. I could raise the dead, cause the moutains to run."
"All you seek, I could give, and pleased you would be. You would have what you want, but you wouldn't know ME. You'd not know the depth of my love for each saint; you'd not know the power that I give to the faint. You'd not learn to see through clouds of despair; you'd not learn to trust just by knowing I'm there; you'd not know the joy of resting in ME, when darkness and silence were all you could see.
You'd never experience the fullness of love as the peace of my spirit descends like a dove; you'd know that I give and I save (for a start), but you'd not know the depth of the beat of my heart, the glow of my comfort late in the night, the faith that I give when you walk without sight, the dept that's beyond getting just what you asked, of an infinite God, who makes what you have LAST.
You'd never know, should your pain quickly flee, what it means that "My grace is sufficient for thee." Yes, your dreams for that loved one overnight would come true, but, oh, the loss...if I lost what I'm doing in you!
"So, be silent, my child, and in time you will see that the greatest of gifts is to get to know ME. And though my answers seem terribly late, my most precious answer of all is still "WAIT".
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