
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Update on Burpies for Babies

First of all I would like to thank everyone who has purchased our Burpies for Babies. I have been amazed at how many we have made and sold. When my sister and I first decided to make these we had no idea that they would sell as they did. We literally had seven of them made when we posted our first post on facebook. I was so excited when many of you posted that you wanted to order some, it literally brought me to tears. I couldn't believe it. My sister and I had to make several trips to the store to get more supplies to start making more. We spent the entire day making burp cloths, ironing, pinning, sewing, cutting, etc. Although we are no experts in the sewing world, I think most of them turned out quite nice. I love my sister for giving up several of her afternoons and Saturdays to help me raise money for adoption. 

We are continuing to take orders for the Burpies for Babies. I have someone that has offered to monogram them for free. Her name is Ali and her business name is "Sew Fly". She is such an awesome person for volunteering her time, materials, and talent to help Andrew and I out. We are truly grateful for her and her willingness to do this. I encourage everyone to use her in the future for all your monogramming needs. If you choose to have your burp cloths monogrammed her tag is attached to the burpies with her business name and phone number. If you would like her phone number you can email me at and I will give it to you.

Again, I thank each of you who have purchased our Burpies for Babies. Please help spread the word about them as well as I will continue to make them until my sewing machine starts smoking or I get worn down from it. As of now I am having a lot of fun putting my new sewing skills to the test. We will also ship them for only $5.00 extra, so keep that in mind. All you have to do to order is contact me at I will try my best to get them to you as soon as I can. Thanks everyone!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love the ones I got as a gift and I love the LSU and Saints one! I sent you an email :)
