Today is International Babylost Mother's Day. It is a day to remember all the mother's out there that have lost a baby. Just as the page says, just because you have lost a baby doesn't mean that you aren't a mother. You are beautiful, strong and courageous for having the strength to move forward. This goes out to all my friends that have lost their babies at any stage in their lives. Mine were only numbers amongst the blood work but I had a glimpse of what it felt like to be pregnant and it was awesome. Norman Eugene and Ethel Rose (their nicknames) are being rocked above by God's little angels and watching us from above. I know they will be so happy when they see us with their baby brother or sister. I have their pictures stored away when they were only embryos and they truly were beautiful. For those that share this loss with me this poem below is for you. You are all beautiful Mothers in my opinion!!!!
Our Sky
By Sheryl McMahon
We live, we breathe under the same sky
Watch the flowers grow with the same awe and wonder
Their petals, reminders of those who sit above the same clouds
Our tears, falling like petals once the flowers have done their bidding
We gaze at the same sky in the same moments
Shed our tears in the same breath
As we share in this special day
The same sky still above us
The flowers blooming at our feet
Let there be comfort in the knowledge
That our children dance together among the same stars
As the night sets on a day we were all sharing
United as Babylost Mama’s and friends who share the tears
We live, we breathe under the same sky
Watch the flowers grow with the same awe and wonder
Their petals, reminders of those who sit above the same clouds
Our tears, falling like petals once the flowers have done their bidding
We gaze at the same sky in the same moments
Shed our tears in the same breath
As we share in this special day
The same sky still above us
The flowers blooming at our feet
Let there be comfort in the knowledge
That our children dance together among the same stars
As the night sets on a day we were all sharing
United as Babylost Mama’s and friends who share the tears

Beautiful Leslie! Thank you for sharing! Lots of love to you! And I LOVE all my burpies! Continuing to lift y'all up in prayer!